This version of Wurst is available for Minecraft 1.14.4 and 19w35a.
AntiSpam is back!
AntiCactus is back!
Fixed the WurstLogo and HackList settings resetting themselves to the default values every time the game is restarted.
Fixed X-Ray’s default list of ores not loading properly in 1.15 snapshots.
Updated Fabric Yarn mappings to 1.14.4+build.12 / 19w35a+build.1.
Updated Fabric loader to 0.6.1+build.164.
Updated Fabric API to 0.3.2+build.218-1.14 / 0.3.2+build.217-1.15.
Updated Fabric Loom to 0.2.5-SNAPSHOT.
Working Features
Since this is an early pre-release, it does not yet have all of the features of Wurst 7.0.
Hacks, Cheats, and Mods (17)
Window-based ClickGUI (which you can open by pressing Right CTRL).
Navigator (which you can open by pressing Right Shift).
TabGUI will be added back in later pre-releases.