This version of Wurst is available for Minecraft 1.15-pre2, 1.15-pre1, 1.14.4, 1.14.3, 1.14.2 and 1.14_combat-3 (Combat Test 3).
BonemealAura is back!
BuildRandom is back!
Kaboom is back!
Added Reach: Allows you to reach further.
Liquids is back!
Improved the description of Liquids.
TriggerBot is back!
AntiKnockback is back!
AntiKnockback will no longer prevent you from getting pushed by water.
Added AntiWaterPush: Prevents you from getting pushed by water.
AutoArmor is back!
ClickAura is back!
BaseFinder is back!
Adjusted BaseFinder’s list of natural blocks, since so many new blocks have been added.
BaseFinder’s list of natural blocks is now configurable.
Working Features
Please keep in mind that this is just a pre-release! It doesn’t (yet) have all of the features of Wurst 7, or all of the features of Wurst 6. Only the following features are included in this version:
Hacks, Cheats, and Mods (55)
- AntiCactus
- AntiKnockback
- AntiWaterPush
- AutoArmor
- AutoMine
- AutoRespawn
- AutoSign
- AntiSpam
- AutoDrop
- AutoFarm
- AutoFish
- AutoSprint
- AutoSwim
- AutoSwitch
- AutoTool
- AutoWalk
- BaseFinder
- Blink
- BonemealAura
- BuildRandom
- BunnyHop
- ChestESP
- ClickAura
- ClickGUI
- Dolphin
- FancyChat
- FastBreak
- FastLadder
- FastPlace
- Fish
- Flight
- Freecam
- Fullbright
- ItemESP
- ItemGenerator
- Kaboom
- Killaura
- KillauraLegit
- Liquids
- MobESP
- MobSpawnESP
- Navigator
- NoFall
- NoWeb
- Nuker
- Panic
- PlayerESP
- Reach
- ScaffoldWalk
- Search
- Sneak
- Spider
- Timer
- TriggerBot
- X-Ray
Chat Commands (16)
Other Features (8)
- Alt Manager (direct login only)
- HackList
- Keybind Manager
- Middle Click Friends
- ServerFinder
- Server Clean Up
- Wurst Logo
- Zoom
Window-based ClickGUI (which you can open by pressing Right CTRL).
Navigator (which you can open by pressing Right Shift).
TabGUI will be added back in later pre-releases.
WARNING: Do not use OptiFine version HD U F4
, it has a bug that breaks X-Ray. Use version HD U F3