This version of Wurst is available for Minecraft 1.14.4 and 19w42a.
AutoTool is back!
By popular demand, we have added a “Switch back” checkbox to AutoTool’s settings. When checked, AutoTool will automatically switch back to the previously selected slot.
ChestESP now supports barrels and shulker boxes.
AutoSwitch is back!
Changed the category of AutoSwitch from “Other” to “Items”.
Fixed a bug in ChestESP that sometimes caused the game to crash.
Disabled the non-functional AutoBuild hack that we accidentally left enabled in v7.0pre11.
Updated Fabric API to 0.4.1+build.245-1.14 / 0.4.6+build.251-1.15.
Working Features
Since this is an early pre-release, it does not yet have all of the features of Wurst 7.0.
Hacks, Cheats, and Mods (37)
Window-based ClickGUI (which you can open by pressing Right CTRL).
Navigator (which you can open by pressing Right Shift).
TabGUI will be added back in later pre-releases.